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Please remove the scarf and ruffles from Lilliana's dancer outfit.
Especially the scarf that covers the gag is in the way.

I think the bad ending should have its own game over picture instead of having the one that already exists. What do you think?

I purchased the game and now I cannot download the latest update saying the game is not in my collection even though it is?


When did you buy the game? If you did buy it with this account, then it should be in the game library of your account together with any other games you may have bought on Itch. If you used another account, or you bought the game without an account, then you should have been sent an email with a download key. 


It was with this account, it was just before you released the update. It showed I had purchased it on my account but when I went to the update release page it wouldnt let me download, so I just downloaded the lastest version from my page which worked for me, I transferred my save and everything works perfectly. Sorry for the bother, and thank you for the great game! I look forward to more works in the future!

Glad to hear it! :) 

How to load mods on a mac computer?

As of now the mod manager does not support Mac, only Windows and Linux. Maybe in the future. 


I have seen a creative feeling that is quite interesting. I hope that the official will consider joining the game. When struggling to escape, if the character wears high-heeled shoes on his feet, he will make noise when walking to attract guards, while making noise when jumping will take more time, and it is possible to make more noise when falling down. High heels can be set up separately. Seles can choose to break away from high-heeled shoes, The guard may also tie the high-heeled shoes to Seles' feet. Seles must break free of the rope before he can break free of the shoes. Calling the guard or looking for a partner to help him break free of the rope on the shoes or shoes is possible. High heels are not bad. They can increase the probability of success in attacking guards. It turns out that the heels are different, and the effects of punishment and reward are different, but the code must be very complex, so I just hope the official will consider the setting of high heels. Thank you. I hope the official will consider many other ideas.

(2 edits) (+4)

I found Didnapper 2 by accident. Although the game is a bit heavy for my laptop, basically I regret nothing! I bought it, and it's worth every penny!

(Before you ask, I'm not a perv. I just love bondage madly. And this game is way beyond my expectations! So I gotta come here to thank DID Games properly!)

P/S: I wonder if you guys have plans to make another game like this. I think a bondage-themed RPG game with a modern setting would be nice (say, a female cop/detective on a crazy journey of constant bondage ^^ ).

Well, just my idea. Don't take it too seriously!

Anyway, I hope to play more splendid works from you in the future!

Best regards!

Deleted 2 years ago

Fortune teller in Milaz. Only one of the new sidequests (casino) is bugged and cant properly reset.

Nice update :) 

Are there still plans for a private cell and such ? 

Deleted 1 year ago

Not officially, no. But there is a mod in the works for it.

I want to ask when will didnapper 2 demo 3 mod be available for free


Wrong place to ask. Ask Toiyama himself, and good luck.


Ok Sorry

(1 edit)

i had a problem with save state

i am not able to resave my game in any state

pls help me with it 

(1 edit)

Are you playing on Mac, Windows or Linux? 

And are you using the Itch app to install, or do you download the zip file manually? 

(2 edits)


Have you remembered to extract/unzip the file you downloaded? If you are playing from within the .zip file, then your computer cannot do things like make or change save files.

(1 edit)

I met a problem with the escaping, there is a bug with the button prompt when I did the direction indicted it did wrong and if I do only 3 error due this bug the guard arrive quickly and my level is 71, I don't know what I must to do.

Do you have the Haphazard Handling escape skill turned on?


If I heard correctly the new version with sidequest updates should be out tomorrow.  So excited, I can hardly wait.


It's great to know the next update will be released soon. I thought this would be released in September but I can understand the difficulties you had during this period. For the next game or update, I am looking forward to seeing more escaping type:) I am so appreciated to your wonderful job. When the full version is published I will support it! Hang in there, you can do this!


my Problem is when the Game go in the next chapter, ship storage room The picture is black. i Play it tvice with the story Crystal, to farm items and i have safe the game and can not go back to the crystal, im trapped, what can i do.

Hi! We have made sure this bug will be fixed in the next update, which should be released in a couple of weeks. In the meantime you can fix it by opening the file Didnapper 2/www/js/scipts/System/LoadScript.js in any text editor (for example Notepad) and putting this line of code there: 

$gameSelfSwitches.setValue([4, 17, 'A'], false)

Then save your change to the LoadScript.js file and start the game. The picture being black should now be fixed.
Please let us know if this fixes your issue :)

I've been playing the beta version and am enjoying it enough to consider buying the full version, but it keeps crashing whenever I try to save and occasionally at random intervals. I'm aware that betas are imperfect, but can I get a guarantee that this won't happen on the full version?

Hi! Of the demo version of the game crashes for you, then the full version will too. However, crashes are rare and can usually be fixed. Is there an error message when it crashes? If there is, we can likely tell you how to make it not crash. Whether you play on Windows or Mac is also important, as Mac can sometimes have file permission issues when the game is not installed using the Itch app. 

I cannot new game the official version but I can do this in demo.I'm on MacOS

Try installing the game with the Itch app:

Once you have done that you can move your save files from the demo into the full game if you don't want to start over from the beginning 

So you mean i need to download and install it from the itch application instead of its website in browser?

and thanks to your quickly reply.

Yes, installing it from the Itch app fixes all file permission crashes in the Mac version of the game. There are other ways to fix it too, but the app install method is the most consistent fix. If you have further problems, please let us know! We also have an active Discord community where other players would also be happy to help you :) 


ty ! problem solved! It still crashes sometimes when I launching the game, but it's much better now than yesterday


also escaping is still too hard, even on easy


is there an ETA on the next update?


Did games  can you  make the first didnapper game please 


I don't understand what you mean. They already did and you can download it here:

I was curious if there was a way to have practice with the pole in the escape tent. When I completed the one from the escape challenges the pole showed up in the tent but couldnt pick it as an option.

Does anyone know how to save the progress. I'm in the middle of the story and don't know how. There's nothing like a menu on the screen.


Press the X key to open the menu and from there you can select the Save option

Press the letter x on your keyboard.  You will see the menu pop up.  From there, you can save your game plus a whole lot more.  Press any key after that to return to the game.


Is there any ETA about the mod support?

Hey, will there be more side quests with in depth senarios in the future updates?


Yes, we are adding several new sidequests in the next updates, some short ones and some long ones

(1 edit)

sorry, but with the recent update 1.0.5, it tells me when i load my save : cannot read property ''parentlds'' for null. How can i fix it?

It sounds like you may have accidentally updated to the demo version of the game. Try backing up your save folder by copying it somewhere else, then uninstall and install the correct game version and copy your save folder back in. That should fix the problem 

(2 edits)

Ok, but how can I copy a savefolder if i play with the itch app? I installed the correct version (so now, i have the demo version and the not-demo one), i opened the not-demo one and it says that i cant load game. Is it normal?

Here is how to make sure you fix the game completely, if I understand your problem correctly:
1) Right-click on Didnapper 2 in your Itch app's library and select Manage.
2) A window will open with the different version you have or can install. Select Manage again for the version that has all your save files (probably the demo version), and then select "Open folder in explorer".
3) In the Explorer window that opens up, go to the /Didnapper 2/www/save/ folder. This is where your save files are. 
4) Copy all the files in the save folder to somewhere else on your computer (this is your backup).
5) If you are not sure if you copied the save files from the right version of the game, do step 2, 3 and 4 again for the other version of the game you have installed, just to be safe.
6) When you are sure that you have backed up all your save files in a safe place, uninstall all versions of Didnapper 2, whether they are demo or not.
7) Install the latest version of the full game. 
8) Do step 1, 2 and 3 again to find the save folder of the now fixed Didnapper 2. Copy the old save files you backed up in step 4 or 5 into this save folder.
9) Launch the game. It should be back to normal now.

Please let me know if this solved the problem for you. Also consider joining our public Discord server if you wish to get a quicker response, as both developers and other Didnapper 2 players are online and ready to help in the chatrooms there :)


YES. I WORKS. Thank you very much. :))

Glad to hear it! :) 


when d2 can use mod

when would it update the 1.1 here


We still have many things we want to add to the game before we release the next public update, but we will hopefully release it later this summer.

Hello i have buy on petreon the beta and can't downloadet  plz help

Try using the link in the too post of our Patreon, if what you tried before was the preview links in the email. You can also find the latest links on our Discord server


I want to know the version 1.1 on steam,what time to update


We still have many things we want to add to the game before we release the next public update, but we will hopefully release it later this summer.

Why I can't open new game? I bought it and I am Mac OS 

Try installing the game with the Itch app:

Ich habe mein spielstand verloren wie bekomme ich den wieder oder kann ich mich zu einem Chapter cheaten?

Is there/will there be a way to view the character art in the Ch15 version of the credits? As far as I am aware the only method is to play through the end of the game again.

Hello. Im new, but is visa card working for buying the game?

It should work on Itch from what I know, yes


ok thanks

Are there any plans for an android version

No, we decided early on to avoid the extra time sink an additional android version of a game as big as this would be. Even for a game as small as Bonds it took a considerable amount of time to make it run properly on Android, so we don't have any plans to port this game. 

Deleted 2 years ago

First off, please do not share footage from the closed beta in public spaces such as this, as it is meant for patrons to view only until we share it in an official public post, or distribute an official public update. Therefore, please delete your message once you've read this. 

You can join our Discord server if you have questions or reports regarding the closed beta: If you connect you Patreon account with your Discord account in the Patreon account settings, you will get access to the patron-only chatrooms there. 

As for the question, guards can drop items too if you assault them (might require your legs to be free so you can kick him). 


I'm really sorry! I didn't do it on purpose. I just want to get help because I can't get out of that level. I deleted the message on it and please learn from it! Thank you! :)


Hi, can you tell me the update time of the next version?

(1 edit) (+3)

I also don't know when the next update will be out but there's a closed beta on the Patreon site right now. if you want to own it then pay the publisher $8. I just bought it. I will give you the address of that website. If you want to play, please pay them because it's their effort, sweat, tears and time. Thank you! :)


thanks bro


when next?

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