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When does Extraasi Honor unlock exactly? I had it unlocked in the bugged version (the one in which it takes away the wrong companion and there is no way to get the last bandit), but now after re-downloading the game and loading a save just near the guy who begins the quest, it is not available

So the new sidequest boss restrained my whole team with a single attack when he had about 1/3 life left. Thought that was intentional but I got a game over screen. Seems a little unfair. Do I have to kill him faster?

Help! How can I go to Bellia?

(2 edits) (-1)

I haven't checked out version 1.2.2 yet, but I've played version 1.2.1. Here's the thing:

After you start the Truth Expansion (I mean, Epilogue Act 1), check the Fortune Teller to see if she mentions Rinie. If yes, visit the camp, enter the tent with the bed. It should have the New Quest indicator on the bed. Use it to start the new quest and return to Bellia. Bellia will be accessible after this point.


You mentioned that there will be additions to the initial quests and game over scenario, but are there any particularly big changes?

I'm looking for the 3 random encounters. I only found 1 witch is the librarian. Where are the other 2 encounters?

I'm looking for a certain person, but the only clue I get is that he likes fishing, so I'm stuck.

Do I have to look not only for the ocean but also for ponds and rivers?

Western Milaz believe it or not. Better bring your best fishing gear too.

I searched as far as Milaz and Selaron to the west, but I couldn't find them.

Do I need to get some fishing equipment before they will appear?

They meant Mirio 😅

Thank you for letting me know.

Come to think of it, there was a comment in the update history asking about adding a game over scene.

Mirio. My bad. Not Milaz. And no there’s no actual fishing equipment, but you better be max level with the best gear to  deal with what’s waiting.

We found it, but we never imagined it would be in a city deep in the desert.

Right? There are a few NPCs that drop hints in both libraries, the church, and around Mirio. But I did the same thing though and checked every dock and port on the map looking 😆.

I can't change outfits. Idk what to do about it.


how do i downgrade the steam version from 1.2.1 to 1.1.2?

Hi. I updated my save file with the new expansion. My outfits don't update when changing my equipment. They are set to how they were before the Truth expansion (where I had gathered all outfits). Seles was in her Royal Armor equipment, and stays in it (at least lookwise). But now I can't leave a certain area without switching this outfits, which I can in the equip menu, but in the game world she still wears it. This makes it impossible to leave a room in epilogue chapter 5. 

Does anyone know of a potential fix I can do?

Use the key item called Gem of Illusions to turn off the effect you put on her to make her look a certain way regardless of what she has equipped 


That fixed it! Forgot I had that turned on...

Thanks for your reply! Also thanks for the hard work all of you have been putting into the game, it's a lot of fun!

Glad to hear it! :D

I just had this randomly occur. Have tried redownloading with no luck. None of the saves I have can be loaded and when this happened I was in a game and couldn't save my progress.

Hmm, this is an odd case that I don't think I've seen happen before. 
1) Have you tried installing via the Itch launcher app? (
2) Do you have any mods installed? 
3) Does this also happen if you start a new game and save to a new slot, then try to load that save? If that works, then the issue might be with the save files, in which case if you share one of those files, I should be able to fix it and return it to you.
4) In the folder Didnapper 2/www/logs/ there should be a crash log file where the full error message is displayed. If you could share that, either by sharing the file, copying the latest messages in it or taking a screenshot if it, that might help shed some light on what's happening.
Sorry for the inconvenience! 

(3 edits)

I appreciate the suggestions. I am running it off my desktop so I'll try the launcher.

Well I figured it out. My main saves for the game (saves 1 and 2) somehow get corrupted. They show 0 KB compared to the other ones. Not much to do about it. I have a different save from the beginning of the epilogue so it's not a total loss but I was on chapter 5. Oh well.

Will you consider adding other languages in the future? Like Chinese or Japanese



pls need some help here, stuck in the dark havoc cells, cant move in any direction and cant open the menu, only the music is still playing

...and cant still playing cause (my mistake) I quicksaved it

Hi! This is the first time I've seen this issue, but we have uploaded some hotfixes, so if you reinstall the game that might help. I also want to ask if you're using a save from a mod like Yuti's mod or Overkill. We'll look into the issue in the meantime. It's definitely something that can be fixed. 

yup I'm using a save from yuti mood, didn't have any issue till now (epilogue act 4)

thanks a lot, I will try reinstalling it

Why Can't I find the game on Steam

If you are german, you can't find it on steam as steam sells no games to german wich are considered as 18+ for sexual reasons.

Will this game be free at the end or will it always stay paid?

Hello ,I have a problem, I can't play the old WWW folder from the 1.2.0 beta,to load it into the new 1.2.0 to get my memory level, please help

Hi! You only need to copy everything in the "save" folder over to the new v1.2.0, not the entire www folder



wow an update. awesome stuff honestly. pleasantly surprised by this


mmmh sadly i can't use paypal :3 i would buy it


Will we have Android version pls ?

Does RPGMAKER even have an Android port? If not, then try looking into emulators that can play Windows games. Even then, I’m not really convinced that it can be done.


RPG Maker MV and MZ does allow exporting to Android and iOS, but the game has to be designed for mobile and the game needs to be converted to an app. Here's the dialog from RPG Maker MV:

MZ is identical to MV except the Linux option isn't present and the Android / iOS and Web browsers were merged to Web browsers / Android / iOS. Mac OS X was renamed to macOS in MZ since the macOS name has been used since macOS 10.12 Sierra.

Something to keep in mind that most games' UI aren't built for small screens in mind which would make navigating menus annoying, but the game does seem viewable on a small phone screen (I checked my YouTube playthrough on my Pixel 7a). Another issue is the lockpicking and escape system rely on hitting directions which isn't possible on a touchscreen (the mouse doesn't work there).

The Didnapper wiki claims that Didnapper 2 uses plugins that are designed for computers and are incompatible with Android emulation. I don't know if the latter is true because RPG Maker MV and MZ run on Chromium rather than emulation unless if running on ARM-based Windows (which aren't common) or an Apple Silicon Mac which has to emulate the x86 code to ARM. Aside from graphical assets, I don't know if any plugins don't work on mobile or any platform.

The Android export also only makes a browser version that you have to customise yourself and pack into an APK with Android Studio. In addition, as you said, the entire game must also be tested on Android and adapted if necessary. This is not as easy as it sounds, you don't just have to press a button, you have to do many weeks of extra work, depending on the complexity. Just as a little side note.

I purchased the Steam version and played it, but the most recent Mac update makes it impossible to play 8-bit games on Steam. Do you know if the version would work on a Macbook Air, and if so, could I transfer my steam file onto it?

The Steam and Itch versions of the game are virtually identical, except for the differences in how Steam handles installation and execution. What exactly is the issue you encounter when you try to run the game via Steam?

Never mind, I think the problem is that MacOS no longer supports 32 bit software. That's really annoying.

I think newer macOS versions tend to have issue with RPG Maker MV games although I don't have a Mac, so I can't verify if even Apple Silicon Macs can run MV games. There is this post Regarding Future RPG Maker MV macOS Support that mentions that MV won't support macOS 11+. RPG Maker MZ games should work although Didnapper 2 is an MV game.

I don't know if MV games are 32-bit on Mac since they are on Windows (RPG Maker MZ is 64-bit only). I know it can be confusing if a Mac app is 32-bit and 64-bit. For example, Discord is 32-bit on Windows while the Mac version is 64-bit.

Hey, the Itch version of the game won't work for me so i was consideing buying the steam version. Do i need another $20 or can i get a refund on the Itch version?

Hiya! Itch has a policy of only refunding if there's a technical issue that customer support can't help to fix (we don't have an option to give refunds ourselves), so let's try that first. Most players who can't get the Itch version to run by downloading manually have found that downloading and installing it through the Itch launcher app worked (because it fixes some file permission issues), so maybe you can try that first:

I was already trying to launch it through the launcher, unfortunately.

Hmm, do you get some sort of error message? Or does it just close or show a black screen? 

Error message

What does the error message say? 

Deleted 204 days ago

Have you extracted/unzipped the file you downloaded? 

Deleted 204 days ago

Which rpgmaker was this made with?

It was made in RPG Maker MV.

thank you


How to download modules


So will Truth be available through itch?  The reason I ask is because I'm running on an older mac and the only way I can play the game is through itch. Tried downloading both the OG demo and the closed beta for Truth and the game freezes the moment I try to start a new game. Works fine here. Can't play it after opening the zip files on just my mac though.


Truth (v1.2) is an update to the game itself, not a separate DLC, so yes, the version here on Itch will be replaced by the updated version once it's ready 🙂👍

Hello, sorry, what are the requirements to be able to play without lag and for the Mods to run well?


Is there any ETA for the Truth expansion? I bought the game on this site but can't afford to subscribe to Patreon (trying to minimize the DID footprint in my visible bank notes XD), so I can't quite follow its progression


We don't have a set date yet, but I can say that it's still at least a few months away. We might be able to give something more specific during our upcoming public livestream on Discord and YouTube :) 

bonds does not work on mac?... will this be same case?

Are you going to add an android download to the game?


We don't have any plans to make an official Android build of Didnapper 2, no.


Is there a prison where you can keep captured damsels? like in the first didnapper. 

hey during chapter 2 when you rescue the snitch gal, it breaks and loops the 4 thief encounter, is there a way to fix this?


What version of the game are you playing, and have you installed any mods? 

Is there still planned update for this game?


Yes! You can follow our progress and even play the closed beta version on our Patreon :) 

During the escape mini game you walk or hop around and can grab weapons like a knife, etc. The question I have is how to actually use them?


The most useful item you've picked up is automatically used when you struggle 

ah okay. I was wondering if that was actually the case. Good to know thanks.


No problem :)


I have encountered some issues when I played the game.

In the Alverona farms as seen in 8:36 in this video, Seles' head clips through the hay. I believe this is because the top half is set with a "★" which in RPG Maker MV means the tile is passable but the character or Event appears under the tile.

In some rare occasions, Seles' graphic may show her carrying someone when she drops the captive as seen in this video and the captive disappears. This can be fixed by grabbing another female captive and dropping her which returns Seles' graphics to normal.

As mentioned here You can swap Aden with Eileen or Kaie which results in the character turning to Aden when grabbing someone as well as resulting in another Eileen or Kaie in the cutscene. This is because Formation Access (Page 3 of Event Commands) isn't disabled nor is Aden's slot locked.

Something I noticed with RPG Maker MV games, including Didnapper 2, is that running with HDR turned on in Windows results in the game being darker. Here's a comparison with HDR turned off compared to the game running with HDR turned on.

I don't know if anyone encounters it, but sometimes I encounter stuttering in some places. Please note I'm using an AORUS 15G which uses an Intel Core i7-10750H with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 which can run Didnapper 2 just fine. I do have the game running on microSD which has no problems running. I somewhat fixed the issue by editing package.json and capping the framerate to 60 fps. I do remember the Ambush system tended to lag when I played on 1.0.5, but it performed better on 1.1.2.

Is there a way to reset the completed sidequests

Yes, you can do a small sidequest for the fortune teller in Milaz to unlock that feature



Can I run didnapper2 on joiplay?


I'm not sure if that's possible given that the game is meant for computers and larger screens and isn't optimized for the smaller screens used in phones. RPG Maker MV and MZ does allow Mobile exporting, but the game needs to be optimized for mobile as the UI and controls are typically built around keyboard, mouse, or controller input.

I cannot find the mod menu. I look in the bottom left and only see credits.


Updating the game to the latest version usually solves that issue 

(2 edits) (+2)

A great game so far I have played until now.  First I saw it, I thought it would be just a little pervert bondage game (and yes, that was the reason I became curious XD) , but It is more than that. The story, the characters and the game mechanics are realy awesome. A great game :)
But I've found a bug with some character graphics, if  some party members were carry someone. It was in  Etznanl. If Kaie is party leader and she starts to carry someone, her graphic switch to Aden while carrying. An if Eileen is party lead, the game crashed because it didn't found her carry graphic.

I believe that part in Chapter 13 is due to DID Games not locking Aden's slot. Interestingly, the game doesn't crash on me with Eileen or Kaie, but both will load Aden's graphic. What's actually happening is that every character has a Carry graphic which is a duplicate of Aden's graphic. I'm guessing maybe in some point in development that you could carry more than one captive (one for each party member) or that DID Games considered allowing you to change the party leader which is usually Seles (the game does allow changing the party starting in Chapter 13, but you can't change Seles' position).

If you swap Aden with Eileen or Kaie and defeat the two Crimson Scar women, the cutscene will show a duplicate Eileen or Kaie. This is due to how Didnapper 2 shows party members in cutscenes; when a cutscene triggers, the party members would pop out of Seles and then merge into Seles similar to Final Fantasy VII when the cutscene is finished.

(1 edit)

Very glad to hear that you've enjoyed the game :) 
The bugs in Etznanl were indeed because we forgot to lock Aden as party leader during that section. However, it will be fixed in the next update, as we're working on making it possible to set anyone as party leader in the majority of the game, among a lot of other things.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Hi :) If you bought the game while logged in, it should appear in your Library together with other games you've bought here. There should also be a download option on the game's store page separate from the option of buying the game again. 

If you weren't logged in when buying the game, you should have received an email with a download link (you may have gotten one if you were logged in too, I'm not sure). If you didn't receive one, even in your spam folder, then on the store page select the option to buy the game again, then click on the small text saying "I already paid for this..." near the bottom. 

If for some reason it still doesn't work, DM us your email (on our social media accounts or didgamesproduction@ and I can find your purchase and potentially send you a new key. 

Please let me know whether this was helpful at all :) 

I successfully downloaded the v 1.1.2 without buying it again, but the update wasn't transferred into my v 1.1.0 safe file.

If you downloaded the update manually, then you will need to copy everything in your save folder from the old version over to the save folder in the new version. You can find the save folder here: Didnapper 2/www/save/

If you want some more detailed and quicker help, feel free to ask in our public Discord server, where both Didnapper developers and other players are nearly always available: 

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