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Where can I find tech support? The game worked fine for the first few days but now it always crashes within 30-60 seconds after startup. It's not just one error either but multiple. Restarting my mac does not help.

(1 edit)

I'm also running into an error on Mac, it's trying to write to a place where I can't change permissions as administrator. The application is in a normal Applications folder, which starts off as:

Error: EROFS: read-only file system, open '/private/var/folders [...]

Have you tried running the game from the terminal by right clicking on the game, selecting show package contents > contents > macOS. This gets rid of some errors for me. For the rest i had to clear off the junk and system logs from my mac using the CCleaner app. The game works for me again for the time being

Their public Discord should be more help as well. They don't have link here on this page but it is on the Steam Store page.

Anyone else struggling with the Alyssa / Dariana fight? My whole party is lvl 25, same as them, and they're just wiping the floor with me. What am I missing?

I ended up lowering the difficulty to easy (I was on normal). Not what I would prefer to do, but it works.


I would guess you were missing training Seles to use smokescreen and keep the two constantly blind/confused, while Eileen saves all her CP to heal and Kaie also blinds whenever both the confusion and the blind from Seles misses or wears off.

Besides that, generally when fighting several strong enemies, focus all fire on one, then as soon as you bound her, secure her bindings at least once. Then you really don't have to worry about her anymore (Alyssia didn't even struggle, she just glared all the time. Maybe the AI decided its hopeless)


Finished playing the whole story. But why some plot is missing when facing Eliza. She just mention the child is seles and i think there are more conversations before

I had the exact same bug! I enterd the throne room, the screen went black and it continued mid conversation!


That was a bug that was fixed in v1.0.2. Our apologies!
I recommend updating the game and using the story crystal to play that scene again.


Is there any cheats ? 


Bug report : When i step into a silk worm in a map next to Micihuatl, i got teleported back to Micihuatl. I can't upload the screenshot. The silk worm is located on the left of a bulletin board.

I don't know how to do the lost necklace mission. It's a simple side quest, but I couldn't complete it after searching for it all day.

And I'm very sorry that I'm asking questions like this, because I can't think of a proper place to ask game-related questions.

I'd like to know too because I couldn't find it either.


It took me a while to find.  Look for a small white diamond on the floor.  It was half hidden behind a lamp post when I found it but I don't know if it appears in a random place each time.

In what location you can activate it?

It's in Capulet - Factory.  Small diamond located behind a lamppost in the section with stacks of boxes and a wagon.


Did you remove the escape test feature from the full version? :o


It's still there, wait until you get your camp. However, there is (at least) one escape feature you cannot choose from the camp menu which you can get in the game (doesn't happen that often but I wouldn't call it rare either).


Never thought a game with such a weird premise could get me to genuinely care this much. The story is very well written, the music beautiful and the mechanics (though hardly anything praise worthy) are engaging enough that i never felt bored or annoyed at them. Each party member has a colorful personality (Including the main character) and a sexy design (excluding Eileen, whom i only want to hug).
The game took me a good 20 hours to finish and i would happily play it for another 20, though in the future, i hope the option to play as the other party members in the escape mini game will be added.

Also, is there a post game?


The only real post-game now is revisiting old areas with your now full party, having ability to do any side-quests you haven't done yet, and redoing story parts through crystals. They have promised more sidequests and endgame content for free so long as you already paid for game already.

As for using other party members for escape, we will have to rely on fan-made mods most likely.


I see. Thanks for the info!

(1 edit) (+1)

I didn’t play the first game so i’m new to the series and i’m playing the demo. I find it very disappointing that game overs exist in a game featuring bondage and DID. I hate save-scumming but that’s what i have to resort to because of your design.

Some other feedback from the demo:

  • It would be useful to see all the enemies’ HP in battle at all times.
  • Setting the frequency of voices in battle doesn’t seem to work. I ended up putting the volume to 0% for that.
  • Volume levels should increment by a smaller number than 20%.
  • I can’t decrease volume, i can only increase it until it wraps back to 0%.
  • The transparency at the bottom of the portraits is inconsistent. It’s weird that i can see through Seles’ waist above the dialog boxes.
  • There are places in the map that look like they go somewhere but they don’t. You should block those off. An example is at the South of the first mine. It looks like it goes somewhere but nothing happens, not even a message.
  • There’s a lot of places on the maps that look like they are accessible, but they’re not and it’s confusing. An example is the campfire you see at the beginning of the Miu forest.
  • Using directions as the escape QTE is a bit irritating because if i press UP/DOWN just as the timer expires, it changes the binding i have selected.

I think your asking price is pretty high compared to other games i’ve purchased so i have higher expectations. Sorry if it sounds like i’m nitpicking, that’s just my opinion.

Nice game!And can you add the Escape part for vine and web ?

(2 edits)

Warning, possible spoiler ahead for something that happened to me in chapter seven doing an additional escape, but it could also be random, I don't know because it wasn't story related.

Only read the rest if you don't want to get spoiled about something that could happen when getting captured.

Oh, there is suspension bondage, is this a kind of Easter egg? I couldn't chose this when practising in camp and so far (I'm in chapter 7) it only happened once to me in an additional escape sequence after surrendering to get healed. Great surprise finding yourself alone in a cell suspended from the ceiling with no allies to help. I was like "WTF do I do now?" and only got out with a counter of 3 remaining after having to struggle through 3 tiers (suspension, connection and normal escape) on my own.

Was it something special or does it happen more frequently later in the game?

Me encanto el juego, el art es excelente, y una gran historia pero, donde estan las celdas y prisioneras como en el primer juego? 

really good game so far, but the main complaint is there doesn’t seem to be any game over text for this one…it just goes to game over scene then restart

Yeah, missing that too. In Didnapper 1 part of the fun was losing boss battles on purpose to see what happens. There was also a playable "now doomed to slavery"-sequence in a later chapter if I remember correctly. In Didnapper 2 I just got a simple game over screen so far (I'm in chapter 7).


This game is great, i love the tighten story and many good DID scene, its make me hard very much. But there is something that i want game to update next time :3

- Please add more custume CG for Seles and others. I'm  a bit sad when Seles wears maid outfit but can't see it.

- Please add all main char to Escape system. And the capture mechanic when defeat ally in battle system and send them to the cage.

-Please add Interogation system in the camp too. Especially that we can interogate ally too. More than that we can capture all the female boss to the camp and interogate them too.

More outfits and characters for the escape game will be reliant on fan mods most likely. Above video is someones work on maid costume and extended scenario that hopefully will be modded into official release one day.

So after beating the prologue I saved the game and closed it. Later when I try to start it again the game won't load at all and now all I get is a blank screen without anything loading.

(2 edits)

In chapter 7, when they go to rescue Liliana from the pirate ship the group, they do not go down the stairs.

Is in the windows version.

Need help with freezing game

sorry to bother you but after defeating darianna and her friend in the camaris headquaters my game frezes. at te exact same time the two knights in red enter the room (to congratulate i suppose ^^)

well this is especially tough because the fight against the two pirate ladies took me quite some time.

is this a know issue and is there a solution?

This issue should now be fixed in the v1. 0.2 update. In the meantime it is also possible to get around this freeze by skippimh through that part of the scene a bit faster. Regardless, you should download the updated version and move your save folder to it, as it also fixes some other issues. Sorry for the inconvenience! 

thanks for the reply! 

aaand thanks for the great game! :-)

Maybe it's obvious but I found a cool way to farm experience and items from the beginning on. When you have defeated female enemies, don't hide them in boxes immediately. Gather them together somewhere  on the map and lure the next enemy to your gathering spot before attacking her. This way, the prisoners will be drawn into the fight but remain tied up, you only have to defeat the new enemy before anyone can get free. But you'll get easy experience, gold and items drops from the prisoners, too. Repeat until you've captured everyone. If you exit the screen or enter a tent without putting the captives in boxes, they will be free again and you can do the whole thing over again. If you do this in a spot where defeat doesn't get you an instant game over, just surrender when you run out of CP. You'll be fully rested and only have to free yourself from your restraints, which is way faster and more fun than returning to an inn if you don't want to waste healing items. And it'll raise your escape level, too.

To the developers: Please don't "fix" this, maybe it's abusing the game system a little, but I've been doing that for hours and it really makes the game fun to play that way. It would make the game much shorter and less enjoyable if the player couldn't to that anymore (e.g. by doing away with free healing when being captured). The way it is, I can get most out of the combat and escape system and fully enjoy the game instead of speedrunning it.

There's nothing wrong with that.

On a side note, abusable features make people want to put more time into games.


Don't worry, we don't intend to "fix" that any time soon :) In fact it's something we noticed as well when we were implementing the feature of tied enemies being included in battles, and figured it would just make a process that can be tedious in other games more fun, as you said 🙂

Also glad to hear that the repeatable escapes are being utilized 😁

(2 edits)

Speaking of repeatable escapes, the escape system is somewhat broken if you have an ally with you in your cell. You'll just have to get rid of your gag, call the ally over and ask for help about ten times. This sometimes even works without removing the gag. After that, you'll only have to struggle with your wrists once or twice to get free. This makes escapes so easy that it feels like cheating. Asking for help should maybe get limited to three to five tries per escape (five if also counting misunderstandings because of gags). A limit like that wouldn't feel artificial either because it would be believable that loosening your restraints three levels (=three times) is all an ally could do for you while still being tied up herself. Or use the ally's rescue skill as a limit of how much she can help you, that would feel perfectly logical.

I have passed through the whole game. To be honest,didnapper2 is a great game,thank you to everyone who contributed to this amazing game.  However, I just want to give a little advice for game producers . Although there is an interactive system in the game to interact with other girls, the game does not set up a dungeon like a didnapper1 for the protagonist team to collect girls so that if you want to interact with other girls repeatedly, you need to play this chapter again.This is not only too much trouble but also unreasonable. I think collecting favorite girls is also a very interesting and important element of didnapper. This is also the reason why I love this game. So I pretty hope the later expansion of didnapper2 can return the collection or dungeon system like didnapper1.  :D

(1 edit)

where can i find didnapper 1

edit: ah, so its a non-sexual kidnapper game. kinda sad.


Thanks to my family, I already own this game. Looking forward to better work.

Saving in game is not working for me. I played like 2 hours yesterday, saved and quit, started the game today and I can't load a game


It's still not available on steam

Hi, usually in this type of games you can acces fullscreen by pressing alt+enter, but here i can't find any way to play with fullscreen. Coul you fix it?

Press F4. I don't know why alt+enter doesn't work for this game. It really should, but F4 works. A lot of RPG Maker Games work with F4.


F4 for fullscreen


Hey, I run an emulator on my phone (Joiplay, if it matters). The game unpacked and booted normally, and looks fantastic, but whenever a bondage sequence occurs the game freezes. For example if I lose to the Abduktor vines, or in the fight against the twins, any binding option causes the game to just...freeze. The battle music continues to play, but nothing happens on screen. 

I know that it's probably just the emulator, which is not your guys' problem, but there are some compatibility settings I can mess with, and o was wondering if you could tell me what parts of the program are in play during the capture sequence that could be in error with my emulator? Thanks again, and fantastic work!

Maybe it's a Sony phone? I'm pretty sure they don't allow bondage content, so we won't get a Playstation version either. (SCNR)

No, it's a samsung, and I've never had issues running their games in the past, from didnapper and even the demo for 2

That was a joke, man. Because of Sony's censorship policy on Playstation.

oh, chill. Yeah, that is true, to be fair, Microsoft wa just as bad for a while

hello I'm using the Mac version. I bought the game and download it. However, it shows error once I open the game, like

Error: EROFS: read-only file system, open '/private/var/folders/6z/89sjbntj3cd067ynk0m9l7qc0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/73D312BA-DC10-4F86-8705-B72719E5008E/d/'

Does the game support the apple silicon?(my chip is apple M1 Pro)

When I click "new game", it's like that

Oh it get resolved. I just restart my Mac

Played the demo at past,and congratulations for the release!

(1 edit) (+1)

Steam store is not available yet ?  I faced problems with my card when purchasing on the web so i am looking to buy it on Steam.  Also hope to see the game in Steam China.


Big congratulations to the dev team! Solid effort, well worth the wait. Thanks for all your hard work.

So I've been liking it so far but I'm quite disappointed how only the main character has an escape scenario/minigame and how little the other characters feature in the game over screens. 

(3 edits)

Just tried out the Linux version, seems to work well. Only problem: trying to run the file "Game" brings up a window with an error message ("undefined is not a function") and nothing else happens. But I can run a file called "nw" and the game works. I played till chapter 2 beginning, seems to work well (saving and loading also works). However, there is a warning message in the terminal: "Remote error from secret service: org.freedesktop.Secret.Error.IsLocked: Cannot create an item in a locked collection".

Does it matter or can I just ignore it?

BTW, thanks a lot for the game, I waited so long to finally play it. Keep up that fantastic work! I also gave you a $10 tip when buying. $20 seemed too cheap for a great game you put so much work in.

Oh, and I found a small bug: When you enter the mayor's house just after starting the story and talk to the person in the upper right, there is some text cut off. Something like "jokes never being funny to b" (begin with, I guess).


Is there gonna be a mobile version coming out?


It's finally out! Taxes in my country kinda destroyed me but I'm sure it's worth it! Thanks for taking all these years to make this awesome game :)


Congratulations on the release. Going to play right now.

Cuando pondréis el juego en android y en español?, por curiosidad

Me gustaría crear un mod que tradujera al español

Hi! Thanks for the release. Please be informed that although files for Linux are added, Itch client still claims that game is available only for Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X. This gives an unpleasant side effect as inability to install the game on Linux distributions(please refer to attached screenshot).

I can still download game from the web browser page, so it's not a critical problem, but would be great to have installation working from desktop client :)

Thanks for the heads up :) 
Is it any better now?

Hi) Thanks for the rapid fix. Everything works fine now!


its time to play


Congrats for the release!


any news for release?

i believe they are working on getting all the patron ppl their copies, which is around 800 or so

what i want to know is whos the artist for the "overview, features, and about" banners above


Looks like sharpffffff's artstyle

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